Hasbro Nerf™ Refill Ammo Packs

Taggers are the ammo that ships with the Dart Tag which is one of my all-time favorite Nerf guns. However, I would encourage you to throw the Taggers away and get Whistler ammo instead. If you won't listen to me then I would strongly encourage eye protection. I nearly got clocked in the eye by one of these darts and even though it hit the flesh just beside the eye, it stung like crazy.
You see, velcro has two components: a fuzzy part, and a plastic part that has the little hooks that hook into the fuzzy part. The problem is the darts all have the plastic part, and those tiny hooks really hurt.
Hasbro made these vests (that ship with the Dart Tag) out of the fuzzy material. It would have been less comfortable, I'd suppose, with the plastic material (possibly a little more expensive).

When we started standardizing on Whistlers, the fun at the office increased tremendously (for you managers and executives out there who are worried about the word "fun", just allowing your employees and engineers to Nerf aroudn for 15 minutes should be seen as a time waster. In California labor law, they're supposed to take a 15 minute every for hours, so if you're running a sweat shop and forcing them to work Saturdays without allowing them to let off steam then shame on you!) It was amazing how a little sound could get people to duck and contort their bodies defensively even though the darts are mostly harmless.
I've also found that the aerodynamic qualities of Whistlers allow them to travel farther. I've used these in a Nerf Firefly and gained an extra 10-15 feet shooting it across the engineering department. Without any modifications the dart travelled 50 feet. And that's actually really good.
In conclusion, the Whistlers are the funnest, fastest and most feasible ammo for Nerfs currently on the market.
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