Thursday, October 05, 2006

USB Circus Cannon

This one is downright hilarious. It's a USB Circus Cannon which is controlled by your computer. You simply plug the Cannon into your USB port, and you use the control the cannon. It comes with a bunch of sound effects to make this downright comical. It might be a bit loud for the office (especially if you sit next to sales people like I do who, for some blasted reason, always talk to clients with the speakerphone ON at their desks. What's up with that?)

The ammo are foam darts called "babes" (remember the women they fire out of cannons at the circus?) I guess "babes" are no longer politically correct so perhaps the manufacturer should say, "Fires foam persons of the female variety."

The good thing about this toy is that it is powered off of the USB port, so no batteries are required (now if ALL kids' toys could be USB powered....) It comes with a software CD.


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    Joan Stepsen
    Tech pharma

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 AM  

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